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Profiles and themed workshops

Discover the diversity of the university world!

Throughout the Summer Immersion Program, you’ll enjoy the opportunity to dive into subjects you already love, while themed workshops will introduce you to new areas of study.


Define the nature of your on-campus experience by choosing the two profiles (one profile per week) that you wish to explore during your stay. Your profile choices determine the thematic workshops that you will follow from day to day.

Five profiles to choose from:

  • Arts and culture
  • Humanities
  • Innovations in health
  • International affairs
  • Science and technology

Themed workshops

At the Summer Immersion Program, we believe that personal experience is the best way to discover what truly interests you. The themed workshops per profile have been specially developed for this purpose. The variety of themes and the participative teaching approach will deepen your understanding of subjects you already love and introduce you to new ones.

Themed workshops are designed so you can confidently venture off the beaten path and have fun learning along the way. The hardest part is deciding which workshops you want to take!

During the two weeks on the university campus, you’ll attend 10 workshops based on your chosen profiles.

Please note that the workshops listed below were offered in the previous Summer Immersion Program. Some workshops need to be confirmed in the coming months.

Get inspired by these examples

These types of workshops might guide your choice of profiles:

In the Footsteps of our Ancestors | Anthropology
The Mysteries of Art | Art History
Drug Development | Biopharmaceutical Sciences
Future Filmmakers | Cinema Studies
Code Name: Python | Computer Science
Imagining the Future of Education | Education Sciences
Starting a Business | Entrepreneurship
Defending the Planet | Environmental Law
Model Design | Industrial Design
European Union Simulation | International Studies
Taking your Place: Being Young at Work | Labour Relations
Uncovering DNA | Molecular Biology
City of the Future | Municipal, Territorial and Landscape
Fire up your Neurons | Neuroscience
Talking Politics | Political Science
Psyche and the Human Brain | Psychology
The Art of Communicating | Communication Sciences

UdeM is a unique, enriching and unforgettable experience

A North American campus

An experienced team of facilitators

Participants come from all around the world

Admission Process
Get ready for a new adventure

Apply for admission
Review all the required documents and complete the online application.
Reserve your place
Once you’ve been accepted into the program, you must return the signed commitment contract and pay a deposit to reserve your place.
Choose your two profiles
In the weeks after you reserve your place, you’ll be invited to choose two profiles that will determine the themed workshops you’ll follow throughout your stay.
Get ready for your trip!
Your final acceptance letter will be sent once you’ve chosen your activities. Keep it in case you need to start the steps to entering Canada.
See the entire process
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