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Experience UdeM

logo is a unique, enriching and unforgettable experience

Like the city whose name it proudly bears, the Université de Montréal is cosmopolitan, cultural, scientific and creative.

Come study with those who dream big, make a difference and shape the world of tomorrow.

Proud to be in Montreal pin

One of the best student cities in North America

Université de Montréal and the world

111th in the world
UdeM is 111th among the world's top universities, according to the Times Higher Education ranking.
1st in Canada
UdeM is the number one francophone university in Canada according to the Times Higher Education.
1st in Quebec
Université de Montréal, with its affiliated schools, HEC Montréal and Polytechnique Montréal, is the leading hub of higher education in Quebec.

Here for good

140 years of history and over 67,000 students

Admission Process
Get ready for a new adventure

Apply for admission
Review all the required documents and complete the online application.
Reserve your place
Once you’ve been accepted into the program, you must return the signed commitment contract and pay a deposit to reserve your place.
Choose your two profiles
In the weeks after you reserve your place, you’ll be invited to choose two profiles that will determine the themed workshops you’ll follow throughout your stay.
Get ready for your trip!
Your final acceptance letter will be sent once you’ve chosen your activities. Keep it in case you need to start the steps to entering Canada.
See the entire process
To discover